Below is an update on our very own Susan Horn's mission trip to Nepal from her traveling partner, Dawn Didi. By the looks of it, Susan has quite a trip in store for her. Make sure to keep her and Dawn in your prayers. Also, if you are planning on helping out with any of the supplies that were included in the weekly update, note that this upcoming Tuesday is the last day to bring them before she leaves. Also, the zippered sweater hoodie request has been filled.
I cannot believe it! Only 6 days and I am again on a flight to Nepal, Lord Willing! I cannot tell you where the time went!
It has flown by with wings of its own... and now I find solid wings... on Alaska Airlines to LAX where I meet up with my friend Susan and we join together to share the rest of the trip and the month on the adventure of a lifetime. All my trips are, aren't they?
Pray for us... we fly Korean Air to Seoul, Korea and after a 3 hour layover on to Kathmandu. I think it is a total of 21 hours in the air! We need safety and wide seats? and room to stretch out??!!!??? We lose a whole day somewhere over the ocean so arrive in K-du on 10/20/11 a little after noon. Pray we will quickly get over any jetlag.
We will spend 3-4 days in K-du while I pretend Susan is my TEAM and introduce her to Nepal: a few tourist attractions, our Orphanage, our Women's Beading Enterprise (the women whose day jobs are making bricks in a brick factory... many of you have a piece of their great jewelry to remember to pray for them by!) and the markets where I will stock up on supplies to take out west. (We are role playing as if we have a whole team along to do a pilot run of where to go/ stay and visit! her response will be very helpful in determining the events of next trip... Team Nepal excursion!)
I will be exposing her to local transportation and the looooong bus ride way out west. OH YEAY! We hope to then visit the leprosy colony and evaluate how they are faring. We have been told they need toilets built so we will assess the feasibility of our team in March installing such in this village as well as a Tharu village in the Terrai (plains area.) Then up the last 5 hours of danger into the hills to the 4th range of the Himalayas 2nd ridge on the right the little village/ suburb of Dadeldhura called Thufendana. We will spend most of the rest of the month there arranging legal/ practical details for the new facility.
We are so close! We have raised $8,500.00 of the $10,000 we need to begin construction of phase 1 of the building!
This will be a new home for 2 paraplegic girls who have been literally "broken" for the last 13-20 years. They fell out of trees cutting foliage for their cows/ buffalos that many years ago and currently live in a rat infested dungeon with a leaky roof and corroded cement floor. They deserve better! Many thanks to those of you who have contributed to their new facility!
Do you realize that if the rest of us could each contribute our cup of Starbucks change just for this one week we would have the remainder needed to pull this off for them! You would be making a significant difference in their lives for the rest of their lives and may be even in the lives of others for eternity!
Phase 2 of this building will be a skill training center for women and a DIY library (the first of its kind in Nepal) enabling poor women to begin microenterprises! We will need an additional $15,000 for that. Phase 3 would be another level up and be a guest house for teams to stay that come to help out! Pray you will one day be on one of these teams! Our next one will be for the entire month of March 2012 if the Lord wills! You could be on it! Wouldn't that be exciting!
We will be frequenting the new bakery/coffee shop (Manna Bakery) regularly if not daily!!! I hear from many, that God is blessing the whole community through it! What fun!
Around Nov 18th we will travel back to K-du. We will spring for the $150 flight from Dhangadi to K-du so she can experience that. She wants to do the Flight by Mount Everest on her own so pray for safety for that for her!
Susan and I will be back in our respective Dallas and Seattle homes just in time for Thanksgiving (Nov 22nd) so this will be a marathon trip!
Additional prayer requests:
- Our health... we are spring chickens but need strong immune systems and no aversions to a steady diet of rice, curried vegetables and lentils.
- The Divine contacts the Lord will give us... that we will recognize them and be faithful to show His love and grace in any language!
- Protection: the dangers are innumerable... His angels... about 10,000 strong.
- That all the transitions will go smoothly... with landlords, widows, lawyers, contractors, supply sources, excavators etc.
- Existing ministries to flourish: The above mentioned and the radio broadcasts (we need $300/month to continue those) the homeless dal/bhat (soup) kitchen, our widows care ministry both that operate on the QT and keep a low but effective profile. I think there are 8 in all.
- That we will bear much fruit and be faithful to our calling and Glorify Him in all we do.
If you are getting this... you will get my updates as internet is available!
Thanks for praying and supporting us! You are truly our backbone!
Love Ya,
Dawn Didi