Happy Monday to all of you!
Has anyone made it to the State Fair yet? If you do, don't forget to go by the Fine Arts Building and check out the award-winning entries by our very own Jennifer Stover. She won multiple Blue Ribbons on the knitted items she entered!! We are so proud of her so make sure you check out her beautiful entries.
Here is what is going on with YOH this week.
* Tuesday - 10AM in the Hospitality Room at FBC McKinney
* Wednesday - 6:15PM in the Fireside Room at FBC McKinney
Ongoing projects:
* Hats, scarves, blankets, toys for Texas Oncology McKinney, UT Southwestern Moncrief Radiation Oncology Clinic and Medical City Children's Hospital.
* Also, preemie gowns, hats, sweaters and blankets for the LDR Unit at MCCH.
* In addition, we may be sending some children and teen hats to Sierra Leone after the first of the year.
* And, we are working on making contact with the NICU unit at the new Baylor Hospital in McKinney.
Finch Knitting/Crochet Club - We are in full swing with at least 12 excited boys and girls - it's amazing how quickly they are catching on after just two lessons. We can still use more teachers though - there were only 2 teachers this past week and we could have used at least 4-5. If you are interested at all, please let me or Becca Masters know. You don't need to do it every week or be an expert knitter/crocheter to help. You will also need to fill out a volunteer background check at www.mckinneyisd.net.
Take care and God bless,