Monday, February 6, 2012

The Weekly Stitch

Good morning ladies!

Hope everyone enjoyed watching the Super Bowl last night - I personally didn't care much who won but I enjoyed the multiple hours of knitting while watching the game.

Be sure to check out our website at - it has been updated at long last with our logo, some new pictures and a link to our blog as well as a link to a new online store with logo items. This store is a service provided by our website provider. We were able to create a few basic items with the YOH logo and they are now available for ordering by anyone. We do not make any proceeds from the sales but it's a pretty cool way to offer a few logo items without ordering in bulk to do so. Let me know what you think!

Here is what is going on with YOH this week:

Meetings this week:
·         Tuesday - 10AM in the Hospitality Room at FBC McKinney
·         Wednesday - 6:15 in the Fireside Room at FBC McKinney

Current Projects:
·        Chemo caps and scarves - for adults, kids and babies. To be donated to Texas Oncology McKinney, Medical City Children's Hospital, and UT Southwestern Moncrief Center.
·        Blankets and knitted/crocheted toys - to be donated to Medical City Children's Hospital.
·        Bereavement Garments for Medical City Children's Hospital Labor & Delivery Department: This is a brand new project that will be so meaningful to the parents of these little babies who passed away. We will be making hats, gowns and blankets all in the 2 pound or less size. Let me know if you need patterns as well as examples of what they are looking for.

Thanks so much to each of you ladies for all that you do for our group.

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